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Kill Kill Again 1981 Dvd

Kill OR Exist KILLED'southward James Ryan returns to the screen courtesy of Film Ventures to Kill AND Kill AGAIN, on special edition DVD courtesy of Scorpion Releasing.

Steve Chase (James Ryan, MISTER DEATHMAN) nearly misses receiving his prize at the Lord's day Metropolis International Martial Arts Conference to rescue pretty Kandy Kane (1974 Miss Globe Anneline Kriel, REASON TO Dice) from a gang of karate-kick assailants. It turns out that it's all a set-upward by Miss Kane to determine if Chase is the right human to rescue her ransomed biochemist father Dr. Horatio Kane (John Ramsbottom); but Chase is soon fighting off the real thing when a suspicious maƮtre'd delivers a surprise bottle of explosive champagne ("Must be domestic," quips Chase). Kandy explains that the byproduct of her male parent'southward research into extracting fuel from potatoes is a heed control drug, which his captors are now using on the population of the mountain village where he is being held by Marduk (Michael Mayer), aka Wellington Forsythe III (a millionaire who supposedly disappeared years before on an archaeological dig), who plans to unleash the mind control drug on the world's water supplies. Kandy wants to come along, but Chase plans to infiltrate the hamlet with the help of The Fly (Stan Schmidt, the motion-picture show's martial arts choreographer), Gorilla (Ken Gampu, THE WILD GEESE), Hotdog (Pecker Flynn, HOUSE OF THE LIVING Expressionless), and Gypsy Baton (Norman Robinson, the film'due south other fight choreographer) but. Kandy smuggles herself aboard the private plane commissioned to get them as close to Marduk's village, and shows herself to be suspiciously capable of defending herself. What Chase does not know is that Marduk has already been apprised of his impending arrival by punk-haired Minerva (Marloe Scott Wilson, TOXIC EFFECT), and that Marduk is looking frontwards to having him compete in his ain private loonshit confronting his own hulking karate killer Optimus (Eddie Dorie, Impale OR Exist KILLED); that is, "if" Steve survives the obstacles Marduk has put in his way to get into the hamlet (including Operation Bar Brawl, Operation Parachute, and a tussle with a not-so-elite ground strength).

Producer Igo Kantor – who was interviewed almost his Film Ventures tenure on Scorpion's two-disc edition of House ON SORORITY ROW – supervised the scoring of KILL OR Be KILLED (aka KARATE KILLER) when Film Ventures acquired it, and by the early eighties had sufficiently proven himself in a number of post-product capacities for Montoro to put him in charge of the actual product of this sequel reuniting Ryan with KILL OR Exist KILLED bandage members Dorie, Schmidt, and Robinson, and director Hall. In add-on to his producer credit, Kantor also receives "music supervision" credit in the opening titles for his employment of stock music cues, including some of his own past work. The James Bail-ian plot probably could have been more farcical since the humor is often less funny than the unintentional comedy. Ryan's line readings are a little wooden, simply this may be the issue of the not-quite-convincing American accent he has to consequence (some of the supporting actors are dubbed as usual in South African-shot co-productions), but neither performances nor characterization are anything to quibble over here; nor is the lack of suspense since the good guy e'er wins no matter what obstacles are thrown in (peculiarly in a PG-rated drive-in activeness movie). The editing and coverage is not always upwards to the choreography, but the fight scenes are entertaining with some humorous touches (equally well as a couple flinch-inducing moments, merely the content stays within bulldoze-in and TV-friendliness). Chase's sidekicks are barely distinguishable other than Gorilla's brawn and The Fly'south levitation and proverbs ("Business firm of merriment usually breeds trouble" and "The brute trap lies quiet until it snaps!"), but four sidekicks plus Kandy ways more opportunities for fight scenes.

Kill AND KILL Again was one of a number of Film Ventures titles that received DVD releases at the dawn of the format from NuTech Digital/DVD Ltd. (which too included THE GRIM REAPER cut of Joe D'Amato's ANTHROPOPHAGUS, Solar day OF THE ANIMALS, and GRIZZLY). Although licensed from rights holder Freedom International (who also own HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW, MORTUARY, and other Moving-picture show Ventures titles). I haven't seen the earlier disc, simply I'one thousand assuming it was derived from the anile video master of Media Dwelling house Entertainment's VHS given the quality of the other DVD Ltd. Film Ventures discs. When Scorpion licensed the motion picture, they were able to access the movie's original interpositive to create a colorful new progressive, anamorphic widescreen (1.78:1) transfer. Although HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW and MORTUARY looked quite impressive in their new transfers, Kill AND KILL Over again may be the best-looking of the Film Ventures' remasters (I only noticed one instance of noticeable scratching). Orange sunrises, the red opening titles, and Minerva'southward pinkish wardrobe are supersaturated without baloney (Minerva'south punk-pink pilus, on the other hand, is blinding). The Dolby Digital ii.0 mono rail is likewise in very good status, as is the isolated score rail (besides in Dolby Digital ii.0). The music impresses more than than the dialogue, just that may be because the scripted dialogue is more frequently awful than campy.

Star James Ryan appears in an audio interview, which is actually a phone interview that plays over the start forty-two minutes of the film (the rails reverts to the original audio once Ryan hangs upwards). The Southward Africa-born performer studied drama first in his ain country and then in England. He did stage work dorsum in South Africa and moved to movie work earlier being approached to exercise a martial arts picture show (Bruce Lee'southward films had been very popular in the country). He speaks highly of his co-stars, equally well as late director Hall (with whom he likewise did the get-go film as well every bit some television set work). Although he admits that the sequel is more polished, he thinks that the center of the original is the enthusiasm of the by and large-inexperienced cast and crew members. He also discusses some of the stunt mishaps on the outset moving-picture show. Ryan also describes going to Hollywood to promote the picture and picking up some additional piece of work stateside, simply having to pass on a iii-twelvemonth-iii-picture show contract with Film Ventures when his commencement son was born (his also mentions that his younger son is set to follow in his footsteps). He gives some details backside Motion-picture show Ventures' planned 3rd film THE Virtually DANGEROUS MAN with Sharon Stone slated for the love interest, merely Picture Ventures' money troubles in the early eighties meant that the production never came to fruition. In the second one-half of the track, he discusses his subsequent work, including his improvement RAGE TO KILL with Oliver Reed (with whom he had done some stage work in London years earlier) and Cameron Mitchell (with whom he made three other movies).

Author John Crowther appears in an on-camera interview (23:forty). The playwright turned novelist and screenwriter recalls how he winged the pitch, which was a karate version of THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. He tells the interviewer that the producers got effectually any rights issues with the starting time film by changing the surname of Ryan's hero from "Chase" to "Chase" (despite the fact that the motion picture's share much of the same cast and managing director). Crowther actually constitute the sidekicks more interesting to script, particularly Gorilla (whose penchant for ear-biting in the ring anticipated Mike Tyson). He felt that the various shortcomings of label and the production itself really contributed to the enjoyment factor, and describes the finished production as a parable for everything that is incorrect with world today. He besides discusses his later scripts including THE EVIL THAT MEN DO (he was hired on to punch upwardly the script since the first draft past the source novel'due south writer was unsatisfactory, and was brought onto location when J. Lee Thompson replaced the original manager. He does not recall Sergio Martino'southward Easily OF STEEL, and believes it was probably a script he translated into English or an unfinished projection he was working on while living in Italy. He does, however, remember his other Italian activeness film COVERT ACTION starring David Jannsen (Crowther was brought on to rewrite the script since the star was unhappy with the script). He closes out the interview by mentioning the WGA-mandated change that had to be imposed on subsequent prints of the film later its initial release – the modify from "screenplay by" to "written by" since he also conceived the story – and arbitration over the "screenplay by" credit on the previous DVD release (the correct credit is on the Scorpion disc). It is odd that Scorpion could not get producer Kantor back for an interview since he had more involvement in the moving picture's production than on House ON SORORITY ROW. The PG-rated theatrical trailer (two:35) is too included, likewise as trailers for Alistair McClean'south Puppet ON A CHAIN, THE Final GRENADE (with Stanley Baker), the Greydon Clark sex comedy JOYSTICKS, Alvin Rakoff's Death Ship, Film Ventures' MORTUARY, and Crown International's MALIBU High ("… where the virtually important subject is physical education!"). (Eric Cotenas)


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